GLBT...... OMG..abnormal dude...

in our class today, we have learn about hot topic or issue which is GLBT.. you all know what is the meaning of GLBT?? absolutely no..hahahha... it is means GAY, LESBIAN, BISEXUAL and TRANSGENDER... HOT HOTTTT..... the culture is not suit and it is looked like abnormal if our people in our culture have it.. we must looked down with the persons have done with it.. it is not make any sense how people can feel like that. but, we cannot think that, this culture is weird anymore. other country which USA, approve this belief as new culture, and what the things in USA make it acceptance in their culture?? the answer is the society. the society implement it in all over the place. when the society accept the GLBT, so the government also follow it as the culture in USA.. it is normal to them be GLBT people..what about us?? as counselor how we should react with this type of client???? think is deep as deep blue sea before make any conclusion guys.... and i know one club which is for gay club called BLUEBOY CLUB.....arrghhh our country just want to have one disaster...ooohh Allah, please forgive us... ahmad izzat bin mohamad nazif 0910239
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